Trusted Family Discipleship Resources

As a Christian family, teaching God’s Word diligently should be of utmost importance in our home. Deuteronomy 6:5-8 instructs us in loving the Lord with all our heart and sharing that love for Him with our children as we sit and walk, at night and in the morning. We must soak in the words of the Bible daily. We can also use resources to help us explain different passages and train our children as they grow.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.” {Deuteronomy 6:5-8}

{We have included affiliate links for your convenience. If you choose to purchase one of our favorite resources through a link, we will benefit without it costing you extra.}

This list of trusted resources for Christian families will be updated often. These are all books we have personally used in our home to disciple our children.

  1. The Jesus Storybook Bible -Sally Lloyd Jones {Ages 4-8}
  2. I AM-40 Reasons to Trust God -Diane Stortz {Ages 4-8}
  3. God’s Names -Sally Michael {Ages 6-12}
  4. Indescribable devotional -Louie Giglio {Ages 6-10}
  5. Exploring the Bible -David Murray {Ages 6-12}
  6. My ABC Bible Verses -Susan Hunt {Ages 3-7}
  7. 31 Prayers for Your Son/Daughter -Aaron & Jennifer Smith
  8. Step into the Bible -Ruth Graham {Ages 5-9}
  9. In this House We Will Giggle -Courtney DeFeo
  10. Homegrown -Dr. Josh & Christi Straub
  11. A Child’s Book of Character Building -Ron & Rebekah Coriell {Ages 3-7}
  12. What We Believe Series -John Hay & David Webb {Ages 6-14}
  13. Leading Little Ones to God -Marian M. Schoolland {Ages 4-10}
  14. God’s Wisdom for Little Girls– Elizabeth George {Ages 3-7}

Online Resources~

  1. Mission Bible Class– An online collection of Bible stories which may include songs, videos or activities to help understand the lesson.
